Monday, 2 January 2017

Firmax-3 Firming & Lifting Cream
“A Multi-Purpose Cream For The Whole Family”

Photo from Google Image

Firmax-3 (30g) is a special formulation which is recognized as the best self-hormone remedy - the new star in biological medicine stronger and energized. The special ingredients activate hormones to self-balance and stabilize and to produce constant supply of what the body needs, thereby achieving good health and holistic well being. The active ingredients is also known to have anti-inflammatory property. Can be converted into phytohormone with progesterone activity, regulates metabolism, antioxidant and relaxes muscles.

Firmax-3 Firming and Lifting Cream plumps up the face, breast and buttock, put back the bounce and glow. 


1. AS A FACIAL CREAM - Firms and lifts dropped eye circles and sagged cheeks, lightens and brightens skin complexion, erases skin blemishes like freckles, acne scars, relieves skin from acne/ pimples, corrects fine lines and wrinkles.

2. AS A BODY CREAM (from Head to Toe) - Thinning hair, dry and itchy scalp, dry and flaky skin, rough elbows and knees, dark bikini lines, darkened scars, stretch marks, cellulites, warts, hemorrhoid, brittle nails, varicose veins, aging hands and feet.

3. AS OVERALL BODY CONTOURING CREAM - Lifts bust and butt, tighten abdomen, shapes waist, firms sagged arms and legs.

4. AS ANTI-AGING CREAM - Regular use can make the user look younger half his/her age, reverse aging, slows down aging process.

5. AS A RELAXANT CREAM - Anti-stress, has sedative effect that promotes good sleep and puts user in a restful state, relieves anxiety, calms trouble stomach due to gastritis, ingestion, diarrhea.

6. AS A MASSAGE CREAM FOR THERAPY - Stroke patients, bell’s palsy, paralysis, seizure, Parkinson’s, hyperactive, stiffed joints, muscles, nerves and veins.

7.   - Body aches and muscle pains, migraine, dysmenorrhea, fracture, gout, arthritis, cancer pain.

8. AS A FIRST AID CREAM - Insect bites, allergy, prickly heat, rashes, burns, wounds, bruises, poor breathing, asthma attack, heart attack, hypertension, food poisoning, diarrhea, fever, fatigue.


Firmax-3 enters the body through the skin:
1.       Direct application on problem or affected areas
2.      At pulse points to promote a healthy blood circulation


1. Radial
- Felt on the wrist, just under the thumb
- Apply small amount of cream and rub in a 
counter clockwise circular motion
- Start by working on the left side

2. Carotid
- Felt on the side of the neck just under the back of the jaw bone
- Apply a small amount of cream and rub upward with a slight pressure

Other pulse points (Standard)

Brachial : Inner Elbow
Popliteal : Behind Knee
Posterior Tibi : Ankle
Dorsalis Pedis : Foot
Femoral : Groin
Facial : Face
Temporal : Side Forehead


In addition to the application of Firmax-3, user is strongly advised to drink 8-10 glasses of filtered water, herbal teas and juices from fresh fruits daily. The liquid will aid the body in the detoxification process it will go through prior to the usage of Firmax-3.

THE BODY’S REACTION (Healing Crisis):

Users will have different reactions prior to the use of Firmax-3. It will depend on the health condition of the user, age, frequency of usage and amount of cream applied. It may bring a temporary discomfort that may last three days or a week but after the body successfully discharge its own toxin (chemicals, heavy metals, accumulated wastes), the reaction will subside and the body will experience rejuvenation.


For Facial, Beautification, Anti-Aging, Overall Body Contouring, use Firmax-3 twice a day (Morning & Evening)

- For Hemorrhoid, apply on affected area every after urinal wash

- For Thinning Hair, massage scalp every after shower

- Or apply Firmax-3 as needed


Firmax-3 is formulated from the right combination of 13 ingredients (all natural and organic)

  1. Kigelia Africana (Sausage Tree) – Anti-Aging
  2. Wild Yam – Promotes reproductive health
  3. Pegaga (Centella Asiatica) – Promote blood cleansing
  4. Manjakani – Promotes vaginal tightening
  5. Aloe Vera – Soothes burns and inflammation
  6. Apple Stem Cell – Promotes the restoration of damaged skin
  7. Vitamin A – Promotes Healthy Vision
  8. Vitamin B3 – Promotes healthy heart
  9. Vitamin B5 – Promotes energy metabolism
  10. Vitamin E – Promotes healthy skin, hair and bone
  11. Soya extract – Promotes balanced production of hormones
  12. Collagen – Fast healing & recovery of damaged tissues
  13. Tongkat Ali – Promotes Male Enhancement

All ingredients have their specific unique functions. But when combined together, they produce synergy that influence remarkable, miraculous results being discovered by Firmax-3 users.


The amazing, fast-acting activity of Firmax-3 lies under the 13 ingredients that were processed under Nano Technology where the molecules of the ingredients’ combination were converted into the smallest molecule that allows the formula to permeate even into the tiniest whole of the body which is the skin.

Firmax-3 is highly recommended by various Health Practitioners from the field of Therapy, Naturopathy, Integrative Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Herbal Treatment, Stress & Pain Management and many others.